Book: Ancestral Lines Revised, by Carl Boyer, 3rd c1981.
Of record as a freeman of Daventry, a member of "the Companye of the
Shoemakers, Tanners, Wittawars, Glovers, and Smithes,: and had forges in
Daventry and Staverton. He forge in Daventry was probably located in the rear
part of the later "Plough and Bell" Inn. It has been presumed that he was
Puritan as did not leave the customary bequest to the parish church in his
will. However, no record of his having had any particular difficulties with the
Church of England has been found.
Book: Ancestral Lines Revised, by Carl Boyer, 3rd c1981.
Book: Ancestral Lines Revised, by Carl Boyer, 3rd c1981.